Esther: Royal Beauty by Angela Hunt
Bible Story PLUS!
This retelling of the
ancient Biblical story of Esther brings a new and refreshing look at the
circumstances that brought the young Jewish girl into the world of the King of
Persia. Each chapter of the book presents a look from either the perspective of
Hadassah (Esther’s Persian name) or that of the king’s eunuch, Harbonah. Using
this technique, Angela Hunt is able to craft a believable back story that keeps
to the tradition and beliefs of the time while weaving a moving plot of characters
that is able to hold the reader’s interest to the very end. This is an
excellent read, expertly written by one of our finest Christian fiction
authors. It is the first of the Dangerous Beauty series. The future books in the series will take up
the stories of Bathsheba and Delilah This book was provided by Bethany
House Publishers for free in exchange for an honest review.