The two of us
Victoria Bylin
This romance, set in Las Vegas, is about two couples. The story begins with the upcoming wedding of
Lucy who is the younger sister of Mia, the main character. Mia is not certain that Lucy
should marry at eighteen especially since she has become pregnant. To add
to the stress is the groom’s ROTC obligation to the military which takes him
away for days at a time. The groom’s friend is Jake who is dealing with
his own issues in relation to his former law enforcement job. As Mia and Jake work together on the wedding,
they develop a close relationship.
However, Mia is a nurse practitioner and feels a calling to serve God in
the medical field. There is much conflict
as both Jake and Mia question their roles in life and seek to find the answers
for their future together. This is a
well written novel with fully developed characters and a twist at the end!